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CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.6.4 Determine The...

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.6.4 - Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone

Authors: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers

Title: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.6.4 Determine The Meaning Of Words And Phrases As They Are Used... Reading:Literature - 6th Grade English Language Arts Common Core State Standards

Publisher: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington D.C.

Copyright Date: 2010

(Page last edited 10/08/2017)

  1. A Fun Way to Teach Similes - A lesson idea from Bruce Lansky
  2. An integrated poetry unit - The goal of this lesson is to aid the students in understanding and appreciating a variety of genres--in this case poetry. The unit incorporates vocabulary necessary for the study of literature (figurative language and elements of poetry) as well as recognizing the different types of poems dealing with many topics.
  3. Analyzing Poetry Tips - The elements of analyzing poetry listed at this site will help you identify the meaning through its parts and give a sense of interpreting a poem.
  4. Character Clash - A mini lesson on paragraphing and dialogue
  5. Do you know your metaphors? - Drag words to make a metaphor
  6. Do you know your similes? - Drag the nouns to complete a Simile (Refresh the page to get a new set.)
  7. Entering History: Nikki Giovanni and Martin Luther King, Jr. - Students read Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech in conjunction with Nikki Giovanni's poem "The Funeral of Martin Luther King, Jr." in order to better understand the speech and the impact it had both on observers like Giovanni during the Civil Rights Movement and on Americans today.
  8. Figurative Language Quiz - Alliteration, similes and metaphors, personification, connotation and imagery
  9. Figurative language: Metaphor - This lesson is a part of a unit on poetry and figurative language. It is designed to teach students the characteristics of metaphor within the context of poetry.
  10. Finding Figurative Language in The Phantom Tollbooth - This lesson provides hands-on differentiated instruction by guiding students to search for the literal definitions of figurative language using the Internet. It also guides students in understanding figurative meanings through the use of context clues and making inferences.
  11. Found Poems/Parallel Poems - In this lesson, students compose found and parallel poems based on descriptive literary passages they have read.
  12. Imagine That! Playing with Genre through Newspapers and Short Stories - This lesson uses narrative structures to introduce students to one form of expository writingnews briefs and articles. By condensing a short story into a newspaper article and expanding an article into a short story, students will explore the ways that exposition differs from narration.
  13. Inside and outside: Paradox of the box - This lesson serves to introduce students to symbolism (the box), to the literary element paradox, and to the abstract notion of ambiguity (freedom vs. confinement). It is designed for 2nd and 3rd graders, but may be adapted for use with upper elementary or early middle school grades.
  14. Integrating Tech: Applying Vocabulary with Digital Flashcards - This article provides a multitude of ways to help students make connections between words and the meaing of the definitions in a much more fun, interesting, and engaging way than the tedious task of writing definitions.
  15. Literary Devices Quizzes - Concentration quiz on similes, metaphors, personification, slang/dialect and allusions
  16. Literary Devices Quizzes - Flashcards on similes, metaphors, personification, slang/dialect and allusions
  17. Literary Devices Quizzes - Matching quiz on similes, metaphors, personification, slang/dialect and allusions
  18. Metaphor Battleship Quiz - Quia quiz using the Battleship game format
  19. Metaphor Quiz - A ten-question quiz at Quia
  20. Metaphor Quiz - To print
  21. Performing Poetry and Building Meaning - Through the use of dramatic reading and the exploration of Internet resources, sixth through eighth grade students build a greater understanding of poetry and the poet's voice.
  22. Simile lesson - Includes a printable quiz
  23. The Reading Performance: Understanding Fluency Through Oral Interpretation - This lesson examines how oral reading of poetry may be useful in supporting fluency for sixth- through eighth-grade students. Central to this lesson is the idea that students require practice and repetition to master decoding skills for fluency and comprehension in oral reading.
  24. Using the Four-Square Strategy to Define and Identify Poetic Terms - In this lesson, students will learn the definitions of alliteration, assonance, simile, and rhyme. Using these definitions and a graphic organizer, they will search through a variety of poems for examples of each poetic element.
  25. What am I? Teaching poetry through riddles - In this lesson, students explore, analyze, and discuss how metaphor, simile, and metonymy are used in riddle poems.



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