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CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.6.1 Demonstrate Command...

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.6.1 - Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.


CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.6.1.a - Ensure that pronouns are in the proper case (subjective, objective, possessive).


CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.6.1.b - Use intensive pronouns (e.g., myself, ourselves).


CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.6.1.c - Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person.*


CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.6.1.d - Recognize and correct vague pronouns (i.e., ones with unclear or ambiguous antecedents).*


CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.6.1.e - Recognize variations from standard English in their own and others' writing and speaking, and identify and use strategies to improve expression in conventional language.*

Authors: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers

Title: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.6.1 Demonstrate Command Of The Conventions Of Standard English Grammar... Language - 6th Grade English Language Arts Common Core State Standards

Publisher: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington D.C.

Copyright Date: 2010

(Page last edited 10/08/2017)

  1. A Christmas Carol chronology - Christmas Carol Chronology, based on Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, provides students with an opportunity to develop comprehension by listing plot developments and arranging them sequentially. This lesson begins with cooperative learning groups and ends with an individual manipulative activity of cutting and pasting strips of events in chronological order.
  2. A Detailed Speech Outline - If you base your speech on this outline you should be able to make a successful speech, or if you use the outline to look at a speech someone else gave, you can critique more effectively
  3. Asking Questions - The types of questions depend on the answer to that first important question: Why am I reading this? Once you establish a purpose for yourself, you can then ask which questions will help you achieve that goal. This page asks students to rank a set of questions on a scale of one to five.
  4. Biography Project: Research and Class Presentation - As students give the class presentations, have other students use the Oral Presentation Peer Feedback Form to write their feedback.
  5. Campaigning for Fair Use: Public Service Announcements on Copyright Awareness - Who owns what you compose? Who controls what happens with the words, images, music, sounds, videos that you create? What rights do you have to use other peoples compositions? This unit plan focuses on helping students find answers to these questions. Students explore a range of resources on fair use and copyright then design their own audio public service announcements (PSAs), to be broadcast over the schools public address system.
  6. Can Animals Think? - The Can Animals Think? task is embedded in a 3-4 week unit that uses the topic of animal cognition as a means to teach students how to analyze and navigate informational texts as well as study the purposeful decisions an author makes to best convey his/her point of view in writing.
  7. Characteristics of Effective Groups - What they do and what they don't do
  8. Characteristics Of Effective Teams - Good information in a scholarly article
  9. Choose a story to practice reading comprehension. - Click on a topic to see the lessons and exercises. Click on the lesson to begin.
  10. Clauses - Lesson with two self checking quizzes
  11. Clauses: Building Blocks for Sentences - Introduce or review the concept with this slide show [11 slides]
  12. Clauses: The Essential Building-Blocks - Explanation of the types of clauses
  13. Combining Sentences for Variety and Clarity - Several methods and examples are given, however this page only combines two sentences.
  14. Common Core Lessons - This site provides lessons and activities which are aligned with CCSS L.6.1.a-e.
  15. Compound and Complex Sentences - A Quia quiz for review using the Battleship format
  16. Compound and Complex Sentences - Combine simple sentences to make complex, compound, or complex-compound sentences. Then click the submit button to compare your answers to sample answers.
  17. Confusing Verbs - Lay / Lie - Read the sentence, and then choose the answer, and get your score instantly!
  18. Confusing Verbs: Raise / Rise - Read the sentence, and then choose the answer, and get your score instantly!
  19. Cooperative Group Role Cards - Defines responsibilities and gives examples of roles of each member
  20. Cooperative Learning - Strategies and activities to use in class
  21. Easily Confused Words - This section will help you review and strengthen your knowledge of easily confused words. The 30 exercises are grouped into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. Determine your level of knowledge and then select an exercise from the lists.
  22. Effective Teamwork Skills - Suggestions for classroom or workplace
  23. Energy Pioneers - This activity is designed to introduce students to many of the scientists and inventors who have contributed to the development of todays modern energy systems. Students may also be exposed to the developments that are being made in the technology of renewable energy.
  24. Examples of Good Critiques - Article with questions to ask yourself while doing a critique.
  25. Exploring and Sharing Family Stories - In this lesson, students are encouraged to explore the idea of memory in both large- and small-group settings. Students access their own life experiences and then discuss family stories they have heard. After choosing a family member to interview, students create questions, interview their relative, and write a personal narrative that describes not only the answers to their questions but their own reactions to these responses. These narratives are peer reviewed and can be published as a class magazine or a website.
  26. Exploring Author's Voice Using Jane Addams Award-Winning Books - This lesson uses Jane Addams Award-winning books to explore author's voice and style.
  27. Flip-a-Chip - Examining Affixes and Roots to Build Vocabulary - lesson plan
  28. Fragments and Run-On's - After each sentence, select the option which best describes that sentence.
  29. Group Roles - Definitions of various roles of a group.
  30. I Won't Grow Up - This first six-week unit of sixth grade starts off the year with reflections on childhoodfrom literature to poetry to student experiences
  31. Identifying Clauses - Select the best description of each of the following groups of word - ten question multiple-choice quiz
  32. Identifying Independent and Dependent Clauses - This OWL page defines dependent and independent clauses and explores how they are treated in standard usage
  33. Identifying Independent and Dependent Clauses - Twenty-five question multiple-choice quiz
  34. Identifying Independent and Dependent Clauses - In the exercises, clearly bracket and label the independent clauses and dependent clauses
  35. Identifying Independent Clauses - After each sentence select the option that best describes the use of clauses in that sentence. A response indicating whether your answer is correct or not will appear in the text-area below "explanation please." If you choose the correct response, it might still be a good idea to consult the explanation to see if your explanation is the same as theirs.
  36. Identifying Independent Clauses II - Select the option that best describes the arrangement of clauses within each sentence. Sometimes the description will refer to only the underlined part of a sentence. Read all the options carefully before making your choice. [10 questions]
  37. Independent and Subordinate Clauses - Two page worksheet to print.
  38. Inference and meaning - Using text to infer mood, tone of voice or body language
  39. Inflation in Russia - Read and answer questions [from the Internet Archive]
  40. Informative Speech Critique Form - Template for evaluating a speech
  41. Integrating Tech: Author's Viewpoint Book Creation - This lesson incoorporates the bookpress and Doodle Buddy app to recreate a familiar story from an author's point of view.
  42. Main and Subordinate Clauses - Scroll to the bottom of the lesson to get to the quiz
  43. Make a Compound Sentence Game - Can you make the compound sentence? [Skillwise game]
  44. Media Awareness: The Basics of Advertising - In the first of these three lessons, students will develop a general understanding of marketing and its influence. Using an advertisement for a kid-oriented product, students will discuss what appeals to them about each item, brainstorm different categories of kid-oriented products, and explore the concept of target audiences
  45. Myth and Truth: The "First Thanksgiving" - By exploring myths surrounding the Wampanoag, the pilgrims, and the "first Thanksgiving," this lesson asks students to think critically about commonly believed myths regarding the Wampanoag Indians in colonial America.
  46. Objectives of Teamwork - Answer from E How
  47. Parts of the Sentence - Compound/Complex Sentences - Five sets of sentences to classify, followed by answers just below the sentences - each set contains five sentences [not interactive]
  48. Past Tenses of Sit/Set and Lay/Lie - What is the correct verb form in each sentence?
  49. Persuasive Speech Critique Sheet - Template of things to think about when doing a critique [from the Internet Archive]
  50. Power Proofreading - Choose 7th or 8th grade then select any one of the mixed practice exercises.
  51. Problem verbs review - sit/set/lie/lay/rise/raise - Practice with these games to get a clear meaning of each of these troublesome verbs.
  52. Proverbs: Contemporary Proverbs - This lesson challenges students to craft more apparent meanings for traditional maxims. They first search for proverbs from around the world and select several they like. They then update the proverbs to be more contemporary. Finally, they write new proverbs of their own.
  53. Punctuating Quotations - Copy the sentence, and provide the missing punctuation.
  54. Putting Sentences Together - Skillwise worksheet
  55. Questioning Toolkit - Seventeen types of questions from the educational journal, FNO
  56. Quiz on Sentence Types - Select the option that best describes that sentence
  57. Quotation Marks: How to Use Them - According to Purdue's OWL, "never put quotes in your paper simply because your teacher says, 'You must use quotes.'"
  58. Read a Contract - Read and answer questions [from the Internet Archive.]
  59. Reading between the lines - Match the phrases from the letter to what Jackie is really thinking
  60. Reading Comprehension Quiz - Ten-question multiple-choice quiz
  61. Reading Comprehension stories - Interactive quizzes online for 5 stories - Each text is followed by a grammar exercise and summary writing exercise.
  62. Reading the Fine Print - In this lesson you will: read the fine print in different advertisements, analyze the fine print to see if the deal is worth it, and do the math to figure out the real cost of an amazing offer
  63. Repairing Run-On Sentences - After each run-on sentence select the remedy that would best repair that sentence.
  64. Review: Sentence Structure - Ten question multiple-choice quiz
  65. Roles in cooperative learning - Very good explanation of roles of students and teacher [from the Internet Archive]
  66. Run-on/Comma Splice/Fragment Quiz - Twenty multiple-choice questions
  67. Sample of a good 239-word sentence - It's not the kind of thing you'd want to read very often, but it does work. Remember, this is not a run-on sentence.
  68. Sample Speaker Critique - Scroll past the ad and read how this person does a critique
  69. Scaling Back to Essentials: Scaffolding Summarization With Fishbone Mapping - Complete fishbone maps that highlight the main ideas and relevant details from a cause-effect text; lesson plan
  70. Seeing Integration From Different Viewpoints - In this Directed Reading-Thinking Activity, students make predictions about the story before reading, focus on key ideas as they read aloud in groups, and enhance their comprehension of the story with a postreading class discussion.
  71. Sentence Definitions: Simple-Compound-Complex - In this game choose the correct term or punctuation mark that fits in the sentence that deals with simple, compound, or complex sentences.
  72. Sentence Fragments - Classify by placing the number of each sentence in the appropriate column. If you do it correctly, the total in both columns will be the same. At the bottom of the page, fix the fragments; making them into complete sentences.
  73. Sentence Sort - Spin and identify the type of sentence shown to move the fox along a game board
  74. Sentence Structure Practice Game - Practice identifying simple, compound, complex, and compound/complex sentences. [Quia quiz in Rags to Riches format]
  75. Sentences: Simple, Compound or Complex - Explanation of the three types of sentences using color codes to identify components
  76. Seven Essential Skills for Teamwork - Use to observe how well a team is working together
  77. Seven Essential Teamwork Skills - Adaptation of a seven skills checklist
  78. Simple, Compound, Complex and Compound-Complex Sentences in Your Writing - Use this PowerPoint show to introduce or review the topic [12 slides]
  79. Simple, Compound, or Complex - Online quiz - Identify the sentences
  80. Small Groups and Self-directed Work Teams - Characteristics of teams
  81. Special Quiz on Except/Accept and Affect/Effect - Select one answer from the choices provided after each sentence. The word you choose should fit the blank in the sentence.
  82. Speech Analysis #1: How to Study and Critique a Speech - Series of articles examining different aspects of presentation analysis
  83. Speech Critiques Examples - Great site with video of people speaking to critique, plus their critique on the speech.
  84. Speech Self Critique Guide - Guidelines to be used in practice sessions to evaluate the speaker and speech and note possible areas of improvement.
  85. Story Character Homepage - Combine higher order thinking with creativity in this lesson that uses diamante poems to illustrate the phenomenon of cause and effect. Students define and identify instances of cause and effect to help them generate their own examples.
  86. Teamwork - Lesson plan - how to work in teams
  87. Teamwork Activities for the Classrooms - Suggestions from E How
  88. Teamwork in the Classroom - The difference between groups and teams
  89. Teamwork Skills - Being an effective group member
  90. The Clause - Explanation of four types of clauses
  91. The Function of Clauses - From among the numbered kinds of clauses listed in the side frames, choose the one you think describes the clause in bold in the following sentences. [10 questions]
  92. The Importance of Punctuation - Rewrite each sentence, punctuating it differently. (You may have to capitalize letters, but don't change any of the words.) Can you think of more than one way to change some of the sentences?
  93. The Importance of Teamwork - Suggestions from E How
  94. The Need to Combine Sentences - Sentences have to be combined to avoid the monotony that would surely result if all sentences were brief and of equal length. This lesson is followed by three quizzes.
  95. The Notorious Confusables - Quiz 1
  96. The Notorious Confusables - Quiz 3
  97. The Notorious Confusables - Quiz 5
  98. The Notorious Confusables - Quiz 2
  99. The Notorious Confusables - Quiz 4
  100. Tips for Building Essential Teamwork skills - How to be a part of a high performing team
  101. To Lie/To Lay - To Sit/To Set - Select one answer from the choices provided after each sentence. The word you choose should fit the blank in the sentence
  102. Traits Needed for Effective Group Process - Lesson plan - Cooperative learning requires more than just cognitive skills. It also requires specific character traits
  103. Types of Sentences: Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex - One page handout in .pdf format
  104. Using Compound Sentences - Can you make a compound sentence? [Skillwise game]
  105. Using Word Webs to Teach Synonyms for Commonly Used Words - Encourage students to use more descriptive words in written and oral language. lesson plan
  106. Which Punctuation Mark? - Copy the sentence, and provide the missing punctuation.
  107. Why Is Teamwork Important in the Classroom? - Answer from E How
  108. Writing Compound Sentences - How to write compound sentences [Skillwise factsheet]
  109. You Can't Spell the Word Prefix Without a Prefix - In this lesson, students learn in a cooperative setting to identify, define, and construct words with prefixes.



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