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6th_8th Common Core Math Tasks

6th-8th CCSS Math Tasks

Links verified 01/09/2019

1. 200 Freestyle.

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This task asks students to analyze graphs of functions and interpret rates of change, intersections, and points on the curves of different functions. SEE MORE
2. Anne's Family Trip.

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In the task, students apply securely held content from previous grades (decimal operations) to solve a problem involving rate and elapsed time. SEE MORE
3. Cake Weighing.

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4 part task; Students extend their previous understandings of number and the ordering of numbers to the full system of rational numbers, which includes negative rational numbers, and in particular negative integers. SEE MORE
4. Candies.

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Students use these skills to solve these problems: understand and describe fractions and solve ratio problems. SEE MORE
5. Examgen 8th Grade Common Core Math Sample Questions.

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Pdf file of 15 sample questions; no answer key. SEE MORE
6. First Rate.

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Problem solving: 4 levels; determining how two students working together at different rates can work together to complete a task. SEE MORE
7. Gasoline Consumption.

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Students work to represent and solve a problem, and then reason from those representations to make comparisons and draw conclusions. SEE MORE
8. Grade 7 Performance Tasks.

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Eight tasks to download for grade 7. Students are asked to solve real-world problems. SEE MORE
9. Inside Mathmatics.

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Many various tasks for 6th grade CCSS; standard numbers given by tasks. SEE MORE
10. Inside Mathmatics.

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Many various tasks for 7th grade CCSS; standard numbers given by tasks. SEE MORE
11. Leaky Faucets.

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Students will analyze proportional relationships and use them to create equations, compute unit rates, and sketch graphs of relationships on the coordinate plane. SEE MORE
12. MARS Tasks - Grade 8.

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These formative performance assessment tasks are from the Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS), a project of UC Berkeley, Michigan State, and the Shell Centre in Nottingham England. These tasks use the old Math format but can easily be seen as CCSS standards tasks. SEE MORE
13. MARS Tasks-Grade 6

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These formative performance assessment tasks are from the Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS), a project of UC Berkeley, Michigan State, and the Shell Centre in Nottingham England. These tasks use the old Math format but can easily be seen as CCSS standards tasks. SEE MORE
14. MARS Tasks.

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These formative performance assessment tasks are from the Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS), a project of UC Berkeley, Michigan State, and the Shell Centre in Nottingham England. These tasks use the old Math format but can easily be seen as CCSS standards tasks. SEE MORE
15. Mathematical Tasks.

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Many math problems on various skills are available here to download. Could use these for morning bell work. SEE MORE
16. Mathematics Common Core Sample Questions.

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From New York State Testing Program, a 15 page pdf file with sample questions and solutions. SEE MORE
17. Once upon a Time.

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In level C, students are given a problem that requires an understanding of divisibility and may be determined by using knowledge of relatively prime factors. SEE MORE
18. Piece It Together.

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Students use two and three dimensional geometry to solve problems involving polygons and polyhedra. SEE MORE
19. Practice Test.

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Sign in as a guest and take a practice test in Math or ELA. Select your grade level in the box marked select grade. SEE MORE
20. Proportional Reasoning.

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Students use proportional relationships to solve multi-step ratio and percent problems SEE MORE
21. Rational Numbers.

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3 week unit plan to help deepen their understanding of rational numbers in various forms. SEE MORE
22. School Supplies.

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Students apply their understanding of rational numbers to solve a contextual problem. SEE MORE
23. Smarter Balanced Assessment.

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Grade 08 Mathematics Sample Items. SEE MORE
24. Spicy Veggies.

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This two-part task presents a recipe context in an atypical way that requires students to demonstrate a deep understanding of proportionality to be successful. Instead of simply listing amounts for each ingredient, the recipe describes how the ingredients are related to the whole. Students must reason proportionally with fractions to solve each part of the task. SEE MORE
25. The Pentagon Problem.

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Solving problems relating to using the measures of the exterior and interior angles of polygons. SEE MORE
26. The Picture Frame Problem.

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This task asks students to analyze graphs of functions and interpret rates of change, intersections, and points on the curves of different functions. SEE MORE
27. Vincent's Graphs.

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This task challenges a student to use understanding of functions to interpret and draw graphs. SEE MORE



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