3rd-5th CCSS Math Tasks
Links verified 10/1/2021
3rd Grade
- Cookie Dough - A 4-5 week unit using 3.OA and MP skills to solve and justify answers. Rubric and examples of acceptable justification included.
- Third Grade MARS tasks - These formative performance assessment tasks are from the Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS), a project of UC Berkeley, Michigan State, and the Shell Centre in Nottingham England. 40 questions. These tasks use the old Math standard format but can easily be seen as CCSS standards tasks.
- City Farmers - This 4-5 week unit using 3. MD skills includes rubrics and annotated work examples.
- K-5mathteachingresources - 3rd Grade - Tasks for many of the 4th grade standards.
4th Grade
- Fourth Grade MARS tasks - These formative performance assessment tasks are from the Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS), a project of UC Berkeley, Michigan State, and the Shell Centre in Nottingham England. These tasks use the old Math format but can easily be seen as CCSS standards tasks
- Farmer Fred - This 4-week unit helps student in understanding fractional parts of a whole and using fractions and mixed numbers to solve problems.
- Chocolate Bar Fractions - In this 4 week unit, students will show their knowledge of equivalence, ordering, and addition of fractions. NF standards.
- Lessons for Learning - E-booklet with multiple tasks for grade 4 using numerous standards per lesson.
- Leapfrog Fractions - Students will demonstrate the understanding of the concept of equivalent fractions and addition of fractions as joining parts referring to the same whole.
- OCSD Common Math Assessments - 4th Grade - Tasks for many of the 4th grade standards.
- K-5mathteachingresources - 4th Grade - Tasks for many of the 4th grade standards.our students.
5th Grade
- Internet4Classroom's Tasks for 5th grade - Find these summative tasks divided by standards.
- Fifth Grade MARS tasks - These formative performance assessment tasks are from the Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS), a project of UC Berkeley, Michigan State, and the Shell Centre in Nottingham England. These tasks use the old Math format but can easily be seen as CCSS standards tasks.
- Lessons for Learning - E-booklet with multiple tasks for grade 5 using numerous standards per lesson.
- OCSD Common Math Assessments - 4th Grade - Tasks for many of the 5th grade standards.
- K-5mathteachingresources - 5th Grade - Tasks for many of the 4th grade standards.
- Stuffed with Pizza - Student can use this unit to develop and expand the concept of rational numbers by using several interpretations and different types of physical models.
- Deleware Common Core - Four items types are included in this sample test: Selected-Response, Constructed-Response, Technology-Enhanced, and Performance Task
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