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How to Overcome Camera Shyness for Remote Learners

Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash/

Over the past couple of months, learning has taken a different turn. Due to the global pandemic, students and teachers have now evolved from classroom-based learning to a completely new way of learning. Video conferencing platforms like Zoom have made it possible for students to remotely connect with their teachers in real-time.

However, distance learning has not been going smoothly for every student out there, as this is completely new to most of them. It is nothing close to having a lesson in a physical classroom where they get to meet their friends, work on projects or get help from teachers and more. While many students are resilient and can make adjustments, some students might have a hard time falling in line. Camera shyness is one of the major issues for remote learners, and here are some tips to help you overcome it.

  1. Come to Terms That Being Camera Shy Is Normal
  2. The very first step to overcoming camera shyness is coming to terms that what you are feeling is normal. Being camera shy is absolutely normal, and you are not alone in this. There are millions of people who have felt the way you are feeling, and many still do. Even some of your favorite movie stars and presenters encountered the same thing at one point or the other. There are two major causes of camera shyness; the first is public speaking anxiety and the second is stage fright. If you want to overcome these issues, you need to identify and come to terms with them. That is why it is important for you to come to terms with your camera shyness issue, and that is the first step of getting over it.

  3. Practice Makes Perfect
  4. Practice indeed makes perfect, and all your favorite stars can tell you that. Practicing before your lesson time will make things much easier for you. If you have anything to say or present, you should memorize it and practice it in front of a mirror. Some of the things you should improve or focus on include your fluency, pronunciations, and posture. Do not ignore this vital step, as it will help gain more confidence and build more courage before your class starts.

  5. Write a Script
  6. Writing your thoughts on a word document or paper is a good practice, whether you use a script for the video or not. This will allow you to focus more on the camera and say what you have to say. You can whittle it down into bullet points to make it easier for you to remember or memorize. Your script is like your plan, and you cannot make a successful video without a plan. You should also rehearse the script you have written before the class begins. With this approach, you will gain boldness when speaking on camera, as you already know what to say in the order you want to say them.

  7. Get comfortable
  8. One of the best ways to get comfortable on camera is to put on clothes that make you feel smart and comfortable. The cloth should make you feel at ease. While this is a quick fix, many tend to overlook it sometimes. Wear clothes that you feel confident in. wearing clothes that bring back good memories is another hack. In general, you should work on your looks, making sure you are comfortable with your choice of cloth as well as your hairstyle.

  9. Smile
  10. Smiling is another great way of getting over camera shyness. Smiling continually will help you feel relaxed and natural on camera. This may not seem easy at first though. You need to try relaxing your nerves and think of some pleasant, good moments you have had. Good memories will help put a smile on your face, which would help boost your confidence.

  11. Be Yourself
  12. To overcome camera shyness, you need to be as natural as possible. The more natural you are, the better your performance would be. Being yourself may include holding a pen in your hand when talking, standing when addressing some issues instead of sitting, or using your hands to demonstrate when explaining certain things. You need to be as free as possible, as this will make you look more natural at the other end.

Author's Bio:
Cathy Abbot is a former teacher and currently a passionate freelance writer at DoMyHomework123. She loves hiking with her friends and reading Jane Austen, but in the evening you'll most likely find her on the couch, watching The Crown.



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