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5 Ways High School Teachers Can Incorporate Technology Into Student Learning

"Please review you local school policy regarding use of technology between teacher and student."


The profession of teaching has become more challenging with new demands. As a teacher, your job isn't just sharing your knowledge but helping students build upon their own prior knowledge. With the distractions in the classroom and online, traditional methods of teaching no longer engage. New learning techniques and teaching strategies will help students become more enthusiastic towards their learning.

Here are some of the ways in which you can use technology.

Twitterify: Sharing assignment ideas on Twitter is a good way to get students above 13 involved in the class. They are inclined to respond to comments on social media and share their views on materials covered in class. Introverts are more likely to respond to questions this way, but also small groups allow students to talk without the use of social media tools.

Share Content Online: Sharing content online allows students to access information everywhere instead of relying on books and learning material. Online flashcards and quizzes are helpful when they want to study. When content is available online, students have the freedom to obtain class materials from any location.

Video Calling: Video calling can clarify student doubts when they arise by allowing them to contact the teacher via Skype or video chat software at scheduled appointment times. This gratifies students and grabs their attention, helping explain and simplify any questions.

Text Reminders: Though texting inside schools is not encouraged, teachers may send texts to remind students of deadlines for assignments. Texting is a great way to reach the students outside school.

Use Google Docs: Using Google documents could be very effective for both teacher-student and teacher-parent communication. Any entries the students or their parents make can be seen immediately. It can be used to schedule parent-teacher meetings. Another use is sharing documents between teachers such as lesson plans, resources and other materials.

All of these tools are very easily found on the Internet and would make a great addition to satisfying student natural interest of technology.

About the Author

Kathryn Smith, the author of this post is an all-round blogger, who also identifies various distance learning universities to help students choose the right place for a successful career. Original posting can be found here.

Edited by Susan Brooks;




Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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