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Art Museums

Art Museums

Links verified 12-10-11

  1. The Art Institute of Chicago
  2. Explore and Learn - from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Six activities and four types of learning experiences are provided.
  3. Museum Network - 33,000 museums worldwide, links to museum learning adventures on the Web.
  4. Webmuseum - exhibits, paintings, and resources.
  5. Metropolitan Museum of Art - View exhibitions and installations at the museum. On their Education page you can find an excellent variety of educational experiences with images of works of art and detailed descriptions of educational opportunities at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  6. Minneapolis Institute of Arts - Many of their collections and online programs
  7. The National Gallery of Art - one of the finest collections in the world illustrating major achievements in painting, sculpture, and graphic arts from the Middle Ages to the present - Go there to browse their collection. While there, stop and explore Watson and the Shark, John Singleton Copley's famous painting of "Watson and the Shark" which was inspired by an event that took place in Havana, Cuba, in 1749.



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