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Using PowerPoint to Teach a Step-by-Step Concept

I have taught a concept in physics that required making vector diagrams of the forces involved. PowerPoint could be used to teach this concept, or any other step-by-step process.

Step 1 - Create a slide showing the end product of the process. I used a blank presentation, colored the background and fill Black, and colored the line Yellow. I then chose the line tool and drew the basic shapes, the Text tool to label the three lines, and the line width control to darken the three vector drawings for emphasis.

Step 2 - Open Slide sorter view to see a thumbnail of the slide just created

Step 3 - Determine how many steps there are in the process and make that many copies of the slide. I needed 8 steps so I copied once and pasted 7 times.


Step 4 - Remove parts of the drawing until you have a progression from a basic Slide 1 to the final Slide. I started with Slide 7 and worked back to Slide 1.


Step 5 - Set the slides so there is no transition between the slides. You want each slide to suddenly appear as if the changes are happening on one slide. I plan to show this presentation so that it repeats several times. The point could me made more clear if drawings of different color are used and if the inclined plane is a larger angle.


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Do not click on the icon, Excel will try to open this show.
Using a series of line drawings to show progression of an action or idea

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