Usage Errors - CCSS L.4.1.g
Links verified on 04/13/2024
1. Common Grammar Mistakes Quiz.
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Select the sentence with the correct grammar usage. Answer each question [15 questions total] and then submit your answers for instant results. Any incorrect answers can be reviewed with an explanation for why it was not the correct answer choice. SEE MORE
2. Confusing Verbs - Lay/Lie.
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Read the sentence, choose the answer and get your score instantly!  SEE MORE
3. Confusing Words: Can/May Quiz.
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Select the correct usage of the word for each sentence. SEE MORE
4. Confusing Words: Who's/Whose and Their/There/They're Quiz.
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Select the correct answer for each sentence. SEE MORE
5. Is/Are and Was/Were Quiz.
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Choose the verb that correctly fits the sentence. SEE MORE
6. Its/It's and There/Their/They're Quiz.
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Select one answer from the choices provided after each sentence. The word you choose should fit the blank in the sentence.  SEE MORE
7. Problem Verbs: Sit/Set/Lie/Lay/Rise/Raise.
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Practice with these games to get a clear meaning of each of these troublesome verbs.  SEE MORE
8. Road to Grammar.
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A vast array of interactive quizzes, practice exercises and games to assist with grammar usage.  SEE MORE
9. Sit or Set Quiz.
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Complete the sentences using the proper form of "sit" or "set."  SEE MORE
10. To Lie/To Lay and To Sit/To Set.
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Select one answer from the choices provided that fits the blank in the sentence.  SEE MORE
11. To/Two/Too Quiz.
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A Quia quiz; choose the correct word to complete each sentence.  SEE MORE
12. To/Two/Too.
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Learn the difference between the homophones to, two, and too using this Quia quiz. SEE MORE
13. Troublesome Words.
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14 interactive exercises on words often used incorrectly. Select the correct word usage for each sentence.  SEE MORE
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