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5th Grade Interactive Language Arts Skill Builders


Usage Errors - CCSS L.5.1, L.5.2

Links verified on 05/31/2021

1. Extreme Sentence Surgeons: Saving Critically Injured Paragraphs.

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Do you have what it takes to become an Extreme Sentence Surgeon? Your paragraph surgery skills will be put to the test as critically injured paragraphs enter your emergency room. Their injuries are significant: poor spelling, no punctuation, wrong word usage, and much more. It will be gruesome. Use your superior skills to fix the bad spelling words, add commas, capital letters, periods, apostrophes, and change words used incorrectly.  SEE MORE
2. Grammar Errors by Seriousness

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Grammar Monster gives a list of common errors to practice and gives you an infographic to study before applying what you learned with a quick test. A video at the end sums up the lesson. SEE MORE
3. Sit/Set/Lie/Lay/Rise/Raise.

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Practice with these games to get a clear meaning of each of these troublesome verbs.  SEE MORE
4. The Semicolon Wars: the Fight for Punctuation Island.

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For thousands of years the semicolons have endured the abuse. Not until the present have they had the kind of leader to help them rise up and conquer their neighbors. Luckily, you have arrived. Lead the semicolons to stirring victories over their neighbors by using semicolons, periods, commas, and colons correctly by blasting them into their correct places in the sentences that appear. SEE MORE
5. There, Their, or They're?

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Grammar Monsters tells the difference and gives you a chance to practice what was learned with a video to sum up the lesson. SEE MORE
6. To, Too and Two.

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Type the correct words to complete the sentences. Separate the words with a comma.  SEE MORE
7. To/Two/Too II.

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Quia quiz; choose the correct homonym.  SEE MORE
8. To/Two/Too III.

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Learn the difference between the homophones to, two, and too. [1 question per page]  SEE MORE
9. To/Two/Too.

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Learn the difference between the homophones to, two, and too using this Quia quiz [5 questions per page].  SEE MORE
10. Troublesome Words.

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14 interactive exercises on Word Choice.  SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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