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1st Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Telling Time - CCSS 1.MD.B.3

Links verified on 08/30/2024

1. Clock Games Online For Kids.

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The telling time activities in this timing games for kids is for children who struggle hard with telling time and being able to understand the basics of the clock such as hours and minutes. In the above clock games online here you have to set the time given to you on the screen and get to know about both digital and analogue versions of the clock. SEE MORE
2. Clock Works.

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Move the hands of the clock to the time shown. [Includes :15, :30, and :45 increments at the basic level]. SEE MORE
3. Clockwise.

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Interactive clock from Shodor. Time is shown on a clock face and students enter correct time. SEE MORE
4. Compare Clocks (Quiz).

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Answer the questions by choosing the right time. SEE MORE
5. Learn to Tell Time.

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Set the time on the clocks by selecting a type of clock and then dragging the hands of the analogue clock or by clicking the up and down buttons of the digital clock. *There are four levels of difficulty. SEE MORE
6. Reading Clocks.

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Write what time the clock shows. SEE MORE
7. Reading Clocks.

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Can you tell what time each of the clocks show? SEE MORE
8. Space Dog - Telling Time Hour, Half Past.

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This math game helps children practice telling time to the hour and half past – o’clock and half past. SEE MORE
9. Telling Time In Hours and Minutes.

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Determine the clock on the clock and select the answer that tells the time. Seven questions and self-checking. SEE MORE
10. Telling Time with Word Problems.

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Quia quiz designed for first/second grade practice with time problems using real life routines and hours of the day. SEE MORE
11. Telling Time.

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The little aviator needs help! He's not sure what time his flight leaves. Help him by clicking on the correct digital time button so that he can take off. (Choose the skill to practice.) SEE MORE
12. Telling Time: Analog Clocks (Hours & Half Hours).

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Can you tell what time is shown on the clock? SEE MORE
13. Telling Time: Analog Clocks (To the Hour).

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Can you tell what time is shown on each clock? SEE MORE
14. Telling Time: To the Half Hour.

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Click on the start arrow to begin the game. Select the digital clock that matches the analog clock. SEE MORE
15. What Time Is It?

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Choose the time on the clock. Click on the clock for the next question. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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