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3rd Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Subtraction Review - CCSS 3.NBT.A.2

Links verified on 05/10/2022

1. Arithmetic Four.

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(A game like Connect Four) A pair of students must answer arithmetic questions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) to earn a piece to place on the board. Parameters: time limit, difficulty level, types of questions. Additional resources available under learner tab. SEE MORE
2. Balance the 3-Digit Addition Equation Quiz.

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Online quiz that is self checking. SEE MORE
3. Balance the 3-Digit Addition or Subtraction Equation Quiz.

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Online quiz that is self checking.  SEE MORE
4. Balance the 3-Digit Subtraction Equation Quiz.

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Online quiz that is self checking.  SEE MORE
5. Brain Workout Missing Digits Subtraction.

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Digits have fallen to the floor. Can you place the digits in the correct location? Three challenging levels to try!  SEE MORE
6. Complete the 3-Digit Addition Equation Quiz.

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Online quiz that is self checking.  SEE MORE
7. Complete the 3-Digit Subtraction Equation Quiz.

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Online quiz that is self checking.  SEE MORE
8. Draggable Subtraction -.

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Make sure your students line up the columns correctly with this subtraction game! (Additional games located at bottom of page) SEE MORE
9. Fill-in Equation.

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Supply the missing number in subtraction equations. SEE MORE
10. Fruit Splat Subtraction.

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Click the correct answers for each equation. Seven Levels to choose from. Includes relaxed mode and timed mode. (Fast or slow fruit) SEE MORE
11. Mental Math Trainer.

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Mastering mental math or being able to do arithmetic calculations in your head will have a crucial impact on your life. If you become an expert in mental math, that is, you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers in your head faster than most people can do with a calculator. This website will help you to practice and improve your abilities in mental math problem solving. SEE MORE
12. Mr. Martini's Classroom.

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Click on a card for math facts practice. Click on the yellow check mark at the bottom to keep score! You can also choose the number of problems by clicking on the arrows up and down by the 25 default. SEE MORE
13. Subtract 2-Digit from 3-Digit Number With Regrouping.

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Online quiz that is self checking.  SEE MORE
14. Subtract 2-digit from 3-digit number.

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Online quiz that is self checking SEE MORE
15. Subtract 3-Digit from 3-Digit Number with Regrouping.

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Online quiz that is self checking.  SEE MORE
16. Subtract 3-digit from 3-digit number.

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Online quiz that is self checking.  SEE MORE
17. Subtraction Action.

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Select numbers that total the missing number.  SEE MORE
18. Subtraction Crossy Chicken.

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Answer five equations to get the chance to get the chicken safely across as you collection the tokens. SEE MORE
19. Subtraction.

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Customize for any number range - from FreeMathTest.  SEE MORE
20. Sum Sense (Subtraction).

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Students practice single digit subtraction by dragging numbers to complete the sentence.  SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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