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1st Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Subtracting - CCSS 1.OA.A.1, 1.OA.A.3, 1.OA.B.4, 1.OA.A.5, 1.OA.A.6, 1.OA.A.7, 1.OA.A.8, 1.NBT.C.4, 1.NBT.C.5, 1.NBT.C.6

Links verified on 10/24/2022

1. Balloon Pop Subtraction.

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Select a level and solve the problem by popping the balloons. The number of balloons left should be the solution to the problem.  SEE MORE
2. Defeat the Math Monster.

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Select subtraction and the difficulty level. If you get all 15 answers correct, you will destroy the math monster and collect the ancient Mayan treasure. Can also be used to practice Addition, Division, and Multiplication skills.  SEE MORE
3. Find 10 less, given two-digit number.

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Online quiz that is self checking. SEE MORE
4. Flash Cards: Fill-in-the-Blank.

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Click the check mark to keep score! Click the arrows by the #25 to pick the number of cards. Then type the answer and flip the card. Instead of changing colors, the left counter counts your correct answers; the right counts how many flashcards you've flipped. If incorrect, the correct answer displays beside the counter when you flip the flashcard. When done, your score displays on the screen. SEE MORE
5. Flash Cards: Multi-Digit.

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This tool provides math practice subtracting single digits from numbers 10 through 18. Type the right answer and the word "Correct!" displays. Press the reset button reset image on the bottom left, click on the subtraction problem, or press the ENTER or RETURN key to set a new math subtraction problem. Use the Backspace button to erase an answer. SEE MORE
6. Flash Cards: Multiple-Choice.

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Practice subtracting 1 to 9 from other numbers. Four possible answers to the subtraction problem will be shown. Pick the right one. "Correct!" appears if you pick correctly. Click on the check mark to keep score! SEE MORE
7. Flash Cards: Vertical Problems.

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Practice vertical subtraction math problems. Subtract numbers up to 9. Just type the answer; if right, the word "Correct!" displays. SEE MORE
8. Hidden PIcture.

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An answer is provided and you must select the problems that equal that answer to reveal a hidden picture.  SEE MORE
9. Is the equation true or false?

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Online quiz that is self checking.  SEE MORE
10. Island Chase.

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Hop on your jetski and race with simple subtraction in this multiplayer game! Allows 4 players (Subtraction facts to 12) SEE MORE
11. Math Baseball.

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Practice numbers less than 5. Fill in the missing number to complete the subtraction problem. Click on "harder" for more of a challenge.  SEE MORE
12. Math Tiles: Spring Addition & Subtraction.

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Practice addition and subtraction skills in this fun puzzle game. Select from adding, subtracting or both and choose between a range of 10, 20 or 100. Solve each problem then drag the puzzle piece to the correct answer.  SEE MORE
13. Minus Mission.

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Solve subtraction problems to blast the slimes with your laser before they slime you! SEE MORE
14. Pick the Sign.

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Determine if the missing sign should be a subtraction or addition sign.  SEE MORE
15. Speed Grid Challenge: Subtraction - (Level 1).

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Set the number of questions (2-99) and the time limit (1-10). Answer question set by clicking on two numbers that complete the sentence.  SEE MORE
16. Subtract multiples of 10 from multiples of 10.

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Online quiz that is self checking.  SEE MORE
17. Subtracting Numbers.

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Sixteen lessons and exercises for Grade 1.  SEE MORE
18. Subtraction Flash Cards.

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Answer the problems and click on the yellow check mark at the bottom to keep score.  SEE MORE
19. Subtraction Games.

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(Grades 1-3) Numerous games to choose from to practice subtraction skills.  SEE MORE
20. Subtraction Quiz.

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Choose the following to create a quiz: numbers covered (up to 20), total questions (up to 30), and time per question (30, 15, 5 seconds or unlimited) Quiz can be printed as a worksheet. SEE MORE
21. Subtraction Quiz.

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Self-checking quiz.  SEE MORE
22. Subtraction Quiz: 0-12.

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Twenty questions; self-checking. Click "Give Me a New Quiz" to generate additional problems.  SEE MORE
23. Subtraction Quiz: 0-50.

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Choose the difficulty level for twenty self-checking questions. Click "New Quiz" to generate additional challenges.  SEE MORE
24. Subtraction Quiz: Fill In the Blank.

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Fill in the missing number to complete the equation. Eight self-checking questions.  SEE MORE
25. Subtraction Quiz: Two-Digit Numbers.

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Subtraction Quiz with eight self-checking questions.  SEE MORE
26. Super-Duper Subtraction Quiz.

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Fifty questions; self-checking. Click "Give Me a New Quiz" for more challenges.  SEE MORE
27. Take it Away.

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Subtract the numbers and click on the correct answer. This game has 10 questions. SEE MORE
28. Ultimate Speed Math.

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Choose "Subtraction" operation and the numbers you want to practice. Set the countdown and see how many problems you can correctly answer. You can also practice Addition, Division, and Multiplication skills. (There is an ad first, then the game will load.) SEE MORE
29. War Pretzels - Defeat the Arm Wrestling Soft Pretzels.

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Practice addition and subtraction skills as you challenge opponents to a game of arm wrestling. (Game will load after an ad.) SEE MORE
30. Word Problems.

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Eight self-checking questions.  SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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