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4th Grade Interactive Language Arts Skill Builders


Sentence Structure - CCSS L.4.1.f

Links verified on 12/22/2022

1. Avoiding Run-on Sentences.

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An online quiz. Select the words that correct the run-on.  SEE MORE
2. Combining Two Sentences.

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Combine two sentences to make one complete sentence with subjects and predicates. SEE MORE
3. Finding Fragments in Short Passages.

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Click on the sentence fragment with your mouse. At the bottom of the page, click on next quiz for more practice. SEE MORE
4. Fragments and Run-Ons.

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After each sentence, select the option which best describes that sentence.  SEE MORE
5. Model Sentences.

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Use words and phrases to create a new sentences that matches the model. SEE MORE
6. Run-on Sentence Practice.

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Select the group of words that corrects the run-on.  SEE MORE
7. Sentence Fragment Practice #1.

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Of the three sentences in each group, select the one that is NOT a sentence fragment  SEE MORE
8. Sentence Fragment Practice #2.

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Of the three sentences in each group, select the one that is NOT a sentence fragment. SEE MORE
9. Sentence Fragment Practice #3.

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Of the three sentences in each group, select the one that is NOT a sentence fragment. SEE MORE
10. Sentence Structure Review.

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Select the correct sentence structure. SEE MORE
11. The Semicolon Wars: the Fight for Punctuation Island.

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Before you engage the enemy punctuation, prove to the semicolons yu are worthy leader by successfully inserting them in their correct places in the sentences. Only then, will you be accepted as their leader. SEE MORE
12. Unscramble Sentence.

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A mindbending game to test and improve your sentence-making skills.  SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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