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3rd Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Rounding and Estimating - CCSS 3.NBT.A.1

Links verified on 06/26/2023

1. Basket Math.

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Practice rounding numbers. For each correct answer a basket [basketball] is made. SEE MORE
2. Comparison Estimator.

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Compare the two sets of objects and answer the problem being asked. Less than or Greater than exercise. SEE MORE
3. Estimating and Rounding Decimals.

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Try answering the 10 problems. If you get at least 8 correct on your first attempt, then you're ready to move on. If not, review the lesson and examples. SEE MORE
4. Estimating by Rounding.

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Addition with regrouping. Estimate the sum to the nearest thousand. SEE MORE
5. Estimating by Rounding.

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Subtraction with regrouping. Estimate the difference between the two Numbers. SEE MORE
6. Estimating Sum.

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Estimate the sum by front end estimation.(No hints or clues given.) SEE MORE
7. Estimation Valley Golf.

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Complete the course using estimation skills in as few strokes as possible.(Can be played on iPad or Tablet.) SEE MORE
8. Estimator.

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Practice estimation skills by determining the number of objects, length, or area. SEE MORE
9. Home Run Derby Math.

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You don't have time to add, just estimate the correct answer. This is a perfect game for reinforcing number sense and estimating sums, differences, and products of four and five digit numbers. SEE MORE
10. Let's Go Shopping.

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Estimate by rounding to the nearest dollar as they shop.  SEE MORE
11. Maximum Capacity.

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Bring as many gorillas as possible to the eighth floor for the annual Gorilla's Ball at the Jungle Hotel! The only problem is, the doors to the ball close in three minutes, and there are still hundreds of anxious gorillas waiting. Check the weight capacity at the top of the elevator. It changes with each trip. Drag the gorillas into the elevator. Drag as many as you can without exceeding the weight capacity.(Can play on iPad or Tablet.)  SEE MORE
12. More or Less Estimator.

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Provides a quantity and you have to estimate whether the set of objects are more or less than the number given.(2 Levels) SEE MORE
13. Round 2-Digit Whole Number to Nearest Ten.

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Online quiz that is self checking. SEE MORE
14. Round 3-Digit Whole Number to Nearest Hundred.

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Online quiz that is self checking. SEE MORE
15. Round 3-Digit Whole Number to Nearest Ten.

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Online quiz that is self checking. SEE MORE
16. Round About.

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Estimate by rounding.  SEE MORE
17. Rounding Decimals/Whole Numbers.

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Round the decimal to the nearest whole number. Java Games: Flashcards, matching, and concentration.(from Quia)  SEE MORE
18. Rounding Numbers Calculator.

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Use Calculator Soup's online calculator to round numbers. Choose where to round to the nearest place value of your choice. (Whole number place or decimal place) SEE MORE
19. Rounding Numbers Guide.

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This site includes definition, videos and practice questions with solutions.  SEE MORE
20. Rounding Numbers.

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Round the number to the nearest ten. SEE MORE
21. Rounding to nearest thousand.

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Round the number to the nearest thousand. SEE MORE
22. Rounding to the Nearest Hundred.

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Round the number to the nearest hundred. SEE MORE
23. This Is Fun: Rounding Numbers.

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Learn how to round whole numbers and decimals. Includes 10 questions to test what you learned.  SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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