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Kindergarten Language Arts Skill Builders


Rhyming Words - CCSS RF.K.2.a

Links verified on 06/27/2022

1. Bees’ Words that Rhyme with Bug by Roy the Zebra.

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Words appear when you click on the bees in this game. Some rhyme with bug and some don’t and the idea is to drag the rhyming ones into a list in the middle. This game would be more suitable for kids who can read.(This is a completely free site, but there are some ads that encourage you to join a paid version of the site.) SEE MORE
2. Concentration-Style Matching Game.

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A Quia game. Match the 8 pairs of rhyming words.  SEE MORE
3. Partners In Rhyme.

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In this game, kids get a set of words, which has a few pairs of rhyming words. They have to match these pairs correctly. This game helps kids in recognizing rhyming words easily, and builds the right foundation for strong vocabulary SEE MORE
4. Rhyme and Climb.

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Children have to decide if pairs of words rhyme or not in this game. If they get correct answers, the character climbs a ladder. The game is fully narrated so kids don’t need to be able to read to play it. SEE MORE
5. Rhyme Round Up.

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Match the rhyming words by choosing the correct horse. Try to find the correct horses, round them up, and begin to build your farm. SEE MORE
6. Rhyme Time by Words and Pictures.

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Students choose pairs of words that rhyme in this activity and then create a short phrase with the words. The words are spoken when you click on them, so the activity is suitable for children who can’t read yet. (Takes a few minutes to load.) SEE MORE
7. Rhyme Time Picture Match-up – Quia.com.

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In this simple game, students just click on the pictures of words that rhyme. The game indicates if their choices are correct or not. SEE MORE
8. Rhyme Time!

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Click on the picture that rhymes with the word Elmo says. This resource includes voice instructions for students  SEE MORE
9. Rhyming Words III.

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Choose a format for the questions (total of 30 questions) and then select the word that best rhymes with each question. SEE MORE
10. Rhyming Words.

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Click on the word that rhymes with the picture.  SEE MORE
11. Story Book Builder.

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This game uses narrated rhyming verses, so kids don’t need to be able to read to play it. They also get to choose a Sesame Street character in the story and they can decide what the character gets up to. SEE MORE
12. Tiny Tap: Rhyming Words.

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Listen to distinguish the rhyming words. SEE MORE
13. Wonder Red's Rhyme Racer.

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Roller skate and rhyme with Wonder Red. Choose easy or hard. Follow the audible directions. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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