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3rd Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Measurement - CCSS 3.MD.A.2, 3.MD.A.4, 3.MD.C.5, 3.MD.C.5.A, 3.MD.C.5.B, 3.MD.C.7, 3.MD.C.8

Links verified on 03/15/2022

1. Add Feet and Inches.

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Explanation, practice, and then a quiz in the form of a game - from AAA Math.  SEE MORE
2. Appropriate Metric Units.

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Which Metric Unit is Appropriate? - Practice quiz.  SEE MORE
3. Balance Scale.

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The object of this game is to weigh the three objects using the balance scale and the weights. All three objects have fraction weights that have a denominator that divides evenly into 100, making it easy to convert to a decimal. For example the BLINKER can have a weight of 2/5. The fraction 2/5 is equal to 40/100 or 0.40 so you would drop two 0.20 weights to weigh the BLINKER. SEE MORE
4. Convert Metric and US Lengths.

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Explanation, practice, and then a quiz in the form of a game - from AAA Math. SEE MORE
5. Converting Metric Volume Units.

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Practice with various forms of liters - explanation, practice, and then a quiz in the form of a game.  SEE MORE
6. Converting Volume Units.

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US Volumes - Practice with the common units; teaspoons, tablespoons, ounce, cup, pints, quart, and gallons - explanation, practice, and then a quiz in the form of a game. SEE MORE
7. Dial Scale.

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Become a DIAL SCALE OPERATOR by feeding the bee 5 or more times per minute. Become a CHAMPION DIAL SCALE OPERATOR by feeding the bee 7 or more times per minute. The object of this game is to supply 10 portions of nectar to a bee as quickly as you can.  SEE MORE
8. Divide Feet and Inches.

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Explanation, practice, and then a quiz in the form of a game.  SEE MORE
9. Divide Gallons, Quarts, and Pints.

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Explanation, practice, and then a quiz in the form of a game. SEE MORE
10. Estimator.

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Practice estimation skills by determining the number of objects, length, or area. SEE MORE
11. Measure It!

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Measure length in centimeters or inches. Three levels for Centimeters (easy, medium, hard) and four levels for inches (easy, medium, hard, & super brain). SEE MORE
12. Multiply Feet and Inches.

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Explanation, practice, and then a quiz in the form of a game. SEE MORE
13. Multiply Gallons, Quarts, and Pints.

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Explanation, practice, and then a quiz in the form of a game. SEE MORE
14. Perimeter of a Rectangle.

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Calculate the perimeter of a square with given dimensions. SEE MORE
15. Perimeter of a Square.

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Calculate the perimeter of a square with given dimensions. SEE MORE
16. Perimeter Practice.

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Adam Ant walks the perimeters and teaches how to find the perimeter of an object. SEE MORE

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With this Platform Scale game you will weigh characters as they jump onto the scale. Qualify as a PLATFORM SCALE OPERATOR by weighing ten characters in less than four minutes. Become a CHAMPION PLATFORM SCALE OPERATOR by weighing ten characters in less than two minutes. SEE MORE
18. Platform Scales Addition.

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Weigh several items and find the sum in hundredths of a gram. SEE MORE
19. Reasonable Temperature.

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Decide between two temperatures, which is the most reasonable? SEE MORE
20. Shape Surveyor.

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Train to be an archaeologist. Calculate the area or perimeter of the rectangle and receive pieces of the puzzle. SEE MORE
21. Study Jams Measurement.

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Lessons and quizzes on the following: Tell time, Elapsed Time, Tell Temperature, Tool of Measurement, Area of a Parallelogram, Area of Irregular Figures, Customary Units of Length, Surface Area, Units of Measurement, Convert Units of Time, Using a Calendar, Measure Length, Perimeter, Area of a Triangle, Volume, Add & Subtract Measurements, and Circumference.  SEE MORE
22. Subtract Feet and Inches.

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Explanation, practice, and then a quiz in the form of a game.  SEE MORE
23. Teaching Measures.

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Choose from three modules: length , mass, and capacity. Each category offers several activities for your large screen display as well as supporting worksheets.  SEE MORE
24. That's Right.

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Estimate measurements in real-world problems using money.  SEE MORE
25. The Ruler Game.

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Learn To Read A Ruler (inches only - increments from inches to sixteenths). Workheets and videos available. (Android and iOS app available) SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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