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3rd Grade Interactive Language Arts Skill Builders


Homonyms - CCSS L.3.4

Links verified on 01/29/2022

1. A Feast of Homonyms.

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Quia homonym matching game. SEE MORE
2. Can you name the homonyms?

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You are given two definitions to help you name the correct homonym. SEE MORE
3. Guess the Homonym.

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Type in the homonym to complete the story.  SEE MORE
4. Homonym Concentration.

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A matching game of homonyms. SEE MORE
5. Homonym Madness.

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Guess the correct spelling and definition of words that sound the same but mean something different and are spelled differently. SEE MORE
6. Homonyms: Quizzes.

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Numerous self-study quizzes ranging from easy to difficult. It is suggested that students write their answers down on paper and then self check them with the answers provided. SEE MORE
7. Indefinite Definitions.

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Can you match each word with 5 of its different definitions? SEE MORE
8. Multiplayer Car Race Game - Homonyms / Homophones.

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Race with other players online real-time as you answer the questions to make the car go faster. (Levels: easy. medium, or hard) SEE MORE
9. Octopus Feed.

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Feed the octopus by collecting homonym food cards. "Octopus Feed is a multiplayer language arts game that allows students from anywhere in the world to compete against each other while matching homonyms!" SEE MORE
10. Sounds the Same Game.

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Can you pick the homonym pairing that fits each whimsical clue? SEE MORE
11. Squigly's Game - Homonyms Quiz.

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Can you pick the correct homonym for each of Squigly's sentences in this fun quiz? When you are done, click on the Check Answers button to check your answers and Squigly will tell you how you did answering his trivia questions.  SEE MORE
12. Tiny Tap - Homonyms.

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Match homonym definition with picture. SEE MORE
13. Word Confusion.

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From Fun Brain. Choose a level and click on the correct homonym for each sentence.  SEE MORE
14. Word Frogs.

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Practice matching antonyms, synonyms or homonyms. Find the relationship you should be matching and match the center word with the words on the incoming flies.  SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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