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5th Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Graphing and Coordinate Plane - CCSS 5.MD.B.2

Links verified on 04/14/2022

1. Cali and the Coordinate System.

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Move Cali on the given coordinates, which are only positive numbers. How long will it take you to feed Cali 10 times? SEE MORE
2. Circle Graph.

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Enter data categories and the value of each category to create a circle graph (similar to "Pie Chart" but the user can define the data set). (Printable resources under the "Learner" tab.) SEE MORE
3. Create A Bar Graph.

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Bar Graph - Enter data to create a bar graph, then manipulate the graph's maximum and minimum values. (Printable resources under "Learner" tab.) SEE MORE
4. Create A Graph.

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Area Graph - Design and create your own graph. SEE MORE
5. General Coordinates Game.

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Students investigate the Cartesian coordinate system through identifying the coordinates of points, or requesting that a particular point be plotted. (Printable resources under the "learner" tab.) SEE MORE
6. Grid Graph.

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Identify and plot points on a grid. SEE MORE
7. Maze Game.

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Students use their knowledge of points on a graph to move a robot to the target while avoiding mines. (Printable resources available under the "learner" tab.) SEE MORE
8. Multi Bar Graph.

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Enter data to create a double bar graph. Then, manipulate the graph's maximum and minimum values. SEE MORE
9. Pie Chart.

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Make your own pie charts. (Printable resources under the "learner" tab.) SEE MORE
10. Simple Coordinates Game.

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Students investigate the first quadrant of the Cartesian coordinate system through identifying the coordinates of points, or requesting that a particular point be plotted. (Printable resources available under the "learner" tab.) SEE MORE
11. Simple Maze Game.

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Students investigate the first quadrant of the Cartesian coordinate system by directing a robot through a mine field laid out on the plane. (Printable resources available under the "learner" tab.) SEE MORE
12. Stem and Leaf Plotter.

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Students view stem-and-leaf plots of their data and then practice finding means, medians and modes. (Printable resources under the "learner" tab.) SEE MORE
13. Stock the Shelves.

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You are the clerk. Stock the shelves using the coordinate plane. (Can be played on an iPad or Tablet.) SEE MORE
14. What's the Point?

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Choose a level. Find the x-y point on a grid. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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