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5th Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Fractions and Percent

Links verified on 06/24/2024

1. Adding Fractions.

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Practice problems that add two fractions with the same denominator. Add the numerators and place that sum over the common denominator. . SEE MORE
2. Baseball Math: Simplifying Fractions.

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In this fun game students will practice reducing fractions to the simplest form. For each home run, you will have the opportunity to answer a math question and earn (or lose) 1000 points. You must get at least 3 home runs to move to level 2 and at least 5 home runs to advance to level 3.(Can be played on computers, iPads, and other tablets) SEE MORE
3. FInding Fraction Patterns.

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Discovering recurring numerical relationships within fractions, identifying patterns that repeat or follow specific sequences. (4 games) SEE MORE
4. Fraction Calculator.

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A fraction calculator that can perform addition, subtraction multiplication or division of two fractions SEE MORE
5. Fraction Decimal Conversion II.

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Another Quia matching game. Conversion equivalents for fractions and decimals. SEE MORE
6. Fraction Decimal Conversion III.

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A Quia concentration style game. SEE MORE
7. Fraction Decimal Conversion.

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A Quia matching game. SEE MORE
8. Fraction to Percentage Calculator.

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A quick and easy fraction to percentage calculator to work out the percentage of any fraction. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to turn any fraction into a percentage really easily. This tutorial also includes a quick video demonstration. SEE MORE
9. Fractions, Decimals, Percents Jeopardy Game.

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Play this Fractions Decimals Percents Jeopardy Game to practice changing fractions to decimals, decimals to fractions, percents to fractions, fractions to percents, percents to decimals, and decimals to percents. (Can be played on computers, iPads, and other tablets.) For one to four players. SEE MORE
10. Math Pup Hop Fraction to Percent.

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The beginner version of this game asks you to convert fractions (with a denominator of 100) into percentages. You have to hop from square to square and when you land on the correct answer double-click to select it, while dodging out of the way of the robot. Once you’ve mastered this you can try the advanced or expert games. (Links to advance and expert versions are listed below the game.) SEE MORE
11. Millionaire Game.

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Similar to the game 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' and can played by 1 or 2 players. Practice changing fractions and decimals to percents. SEE MORE
12. Millionaire Game: Multiplying Fractions.

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Similar to the game 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' and can played by 1 or 2 players.(can be played on computers, Promethean boards, smart boards, iPads, and other tablets) SEE MORE
13. Old Egyptian Math Cats Fractions.

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Add fractions like a true Old Egyptian Math Cat! SEE MORE
14. Online Percentage Word Problems.

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There are 8 word problems in this quiz, asking you to make various calculations with percentages. There is no time limit, and if you make a wrong answer, you will get a detailed step by step explanation on how to make the correct calculation and get the right answer SEE MORE
15. Pecking Order.

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Fly into fun with Pecking Order! Review fractions, decimals, and percents. Put birds in order, from smallest to biggest, on a line. Don't make mistakes! When you finish, you can make music with the Bird Band! SEE MORE
16. Penguin Waiter's Tip.

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In this game you calculate the tip to give to the penguin waiter, based upon your bill and the percentage of tip to give. There are four levels to this interactive challenge.  SEE MORE
17. Percent Fraction Matching.

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Match the fraction to its corresponding percent. SEE MORE
18. Practice Converting Percent to Fractions.

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Lesson, practice problems and a quiz converting percents to fractions. SEE MORE
19. Reducing Fractions.

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Simplifying fractions to their lowest terms by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor. SEE MORE
20. Sea Life: Percentage Game.

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This is great online activity for 5th and 6th graders. Would you like to create your own sea world? In this game you will be matching percentages with decimals of equivalent value. SEE MORE
21. Soccer Math: Multiplying Fractions.

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Multiply the fractions and choose the correct answer for a chance to kick the ball. (Can be played on computers, iPads, and other tablets without an app.) SEE MORE
22. Soccer Math: Simplifying Fractions.

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Reduce the fractions to their lowest form. For each question answered correctly you get a chance to kick the ball. (Can be played on computers, iPads, and other tablets without an app.) SEE MORE
23. Subtracting Fractions.

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Lesson, practice problems and a quiz. SEE MORE
24. Tony's Fraction Pizza Shop.

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Tony Fraction is a fun game that reinforces fraction identification, reduction, and equivalent fractions. (This game works on all devices) Includes video on how to play the game. Spanish version is available. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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