Fact or Opinion - CCSS RL.5.4
Links verified on 12/12/2023
1. Comprehension: FACT OR OPINION? GAME #2.
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Read the statements and determine if they are facts or opinions. Select your answer from the popup menu. There are a total of 30 statements to evaluate. SEE MORE
2. Fact and Opinion Jeopardy.
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Jeopardy game on fact and opinion.  SEE MORE
3. Fact or Opinion Games.
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Many Free Games & Activities for Kids SEE MORE
4. Fact or Opinion Jeopardy game.
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Jeopardy game on fact or opinion and comparing numbers. SEE MORE
5. Fact or Opinion.
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Read the sentence and determine whether it is a fact or opinion. SEE MORE
6. Fact or Opinion.
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Read each sentence and determine whether it states a fact or opinion. SEE MORE
7. Fact or Opinion.
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From Tiny Tap, decide if a statement is a fact or opinion. (Headphones are needed.) SEE MORE
8. Fact or Opinion: Quiz 1.
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Quia quiz. Read the statements and determine if they are facts or opinions. Select your answer from the popup menu. There are a total of 30 statements to evaluate. Java is required for this website. SEE MORE
9. Fact or Opinion: Quiz 2.
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Quia quiz. Read the statements and determine if they are facts or opinions. Select your answer from the popup menu. There are a total of 30 statements to evaluate. SEE MORE
10. Fact or Opinion? Quiz.
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A fact is something which is true, which can be proven. An opinion is a belief and can't be proven. Decide whether each sentence is fact or opinion. SEE MORE
11. Factile Jeopardy-Style.
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The first game, Jeopardy-style is the only free game available.  SEE MORE
12. Skills Practice | Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion.
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Use articles from the "The New Times" to practice distinguishing fact and opinion. Take a quiz near the end, which uses sentences from Times articles.  SEE MORE
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