Fact or Opinion - CCSS RI.8.9
Links verified on 01/15/2024
1. Fact and Opinion (pdf).
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Four practice exercises on fact and opinion.(3 pages) SEE MORE
2. Fact and Opinion Self-Test.
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Click on the appropriate choice after each statement.  SEE MORE
3. Fact or Opinion.
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Identify the underlined portion of each sentence as fact or opinion. SEE MORE
4. Fact or Opinion: Quiz 1.
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Read the statements and determine if they are facts or opinions. Select your answer from the popup menu. There are a total of 30 statements to evaluate.  SEE MORE
5. Fact or Opinion: Quiz 2.
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Read the statements and determine if they are facts or opinions. Select your answer from the popup menu. There are a total of 30 statements to evaluate.  SEE MORE
6. Fact or Opinion? Quiz.
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A quiz on fact and opinion with 15 test items. SEE MORE
7. Fact, Habit, Opinion or Schedule.
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Choose the correct answer for each of the 10 sentences. When you are done, click on the Check Answers button to check your answers.  SEE MORE
8. Factile Jeopardy-style (Fact Vs. Opinion).
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Select the number of teams (1-50), buzzer mode only available with Pro version, and select teams character/name. SEE MORE
9. Facts and Opinions.
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Practice identifying fact or opinion. SEE MORE
10. Logical Fallacies.
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Practice classifying logical fallacies. SEE MORE
11. Supplemental Exercise: Fact and Opinion, Exercise 1.
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Choose Fact if the statement could be researched and verified (it would be a fact) or disproved (it would be a false statement of fact). Choose Opinion if a statement represents an opinion (a belief or judgment that cannot be proved or disproved). If it is an opinion, note any judgment words in the sentence. SEE MORE
12. Thesis Statements.
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Practice identifying thesis statements. SEE MORE
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