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8th Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Exponential Notation - CCSS 8.EE.A.1, 8.EE.A.2, 8.EE.A.3, 8.EE.A.4

Links verified on 03/15/2022

1. Algebraic Exponents.

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Fifteen practice problems using exponents algebraically.  SEE MORE
2. Applied Practice with Powers.

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Solve the five problems and when finished click on "Answer" to see if your answers are correct.  SEE MORE
3. Comparing Scientific and Standard Notation Numbers.

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Determine if the practice problems are greater than, less than or the same. Quiz following practice problems.  SEE MORE
4. Computation Castle.

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A game that requires the utilization of several math skills: mixed numbers/improper fractions, equivalent fractions, metric conversions, exponents, rounding to the nearest thousands and thousandths and place value. (Can be played on iPad or Tablet.) SEE MORE
5. Convert Scientific Notation to Decimal Numbers.

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Write the number in decimal notation in these practice problems followed by a quiz.  SEE MORE
6. Converting Decimal Numbers to Scientific Notation.

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Write the decimal in scientific notation with these practice problems followed by a quiz.  SEE MORE
7. Converting Fractions to Scientific Notation.

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Write the fraction in scientific notation in these practice problems followed by a quiz.  SEE MORE
8. Converting from Scientific Notation Numbers.

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Write the number in standard notation in these practice problems followed by a quiz.  SEE MORE
9. Converting Numbers to Scientific Notation.

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Write the number in scientific notation in these practice problems followed by a quiz.  SEE MORE
10. Converting Scientific Notation Numbers to Fractions.

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Write the scientific notation as a fraction in these practice problems followed by a quiz.  SEE MORE
11. Cube of a Number.

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Determine the value of each exponential expression in these practice problems followed by a quiz.  SEE MORE
12. Dividing Scientific Notation Numbers.

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Practice dividing scientific notation numbers followed by a quiz.  SEE MORE
13. Division Using Scientific Notation.

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Lesson with two examples and seven practice problems.  SEE MORE
14. Evaluate Positive Exponents (0-2) on Numbers (0-20).

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Online interactive quiz that is self checking.  SEE MORE
15. Evaluate Positive Exponents (0-2) on Numbers (0-9).

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Online interactive quiz that is self checking.  SEE MORE
16. Evaluate Positive Exponents (0-5) on Numbers (0-20).

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Online interactive quiz that is self checking.  SEE MORE
17. Evaluating Exponents of Negative Numbers.

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Determine the value of each exponential expression with these practice problems followed by a quiz.  SEE MORE
18. Evaluating Exponents.

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Determine the value of each exponential expression with these practice problems followed by a quiz.  SEE MORE
19. Exponent Practice.

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Try a workout of 10 problems. If you do not get at least 8 correct on your first attempt, review "In Depth" and try again.  SEE MORE
20. Exponents.

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A lesson on exponents with five practice problems at the bottom of the lesson.  SEE MORE
21. Exponents: Shorthand.

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Practice problems using exponent shorthand.  SEE MORE
22. Integer Exponents.

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Rules and examples of exponent identities, includes practice problems on filling in the missing exponent and practice problems on negative and zero exponents.  SEE MORE
23. Multiplication using Scientific Notation.

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Lesson with four examples and seven practice problems.  SEE MORE
24. Multiplying Scientific Notation Numbers.

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Practice problems followed by a quiz.  SEE MORE
25. Practice with Exponents.

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Test your skills with exponent problems.  SEE MORE
26. Scientific Notation Problem Generator.

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The scientific notation or standard notation representation of a number will be shown. Put the corresponding value(s) in the empty cell(s) and press "Check Answer".  SEE MORE
27. Scientific Notation using Multiplication and Division.

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Lesson with two examples and seven practice problems.  SEE MORE
28. Scientific Notation.

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Interactive practice of converting numbers into scientific notation.  SEE MORE
29. Squaring a Number #1.

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Determine the value of each exponential expressions in these practice problems followed by a quiz.  SEE MORE
30. Squaring a Number #2.

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Determine the value of each exponential expressions in these practice problems followed by a quiz.  SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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