Decimals - CCSS 7.NS.A.2.D
Links verified on 03/18/2024
1. Adding Decimals.
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Practice adding three or more decimal numbers that have different numbers of decimal places. SEE MORE
2. Convert Between Decimals and Fractions or Mixed Numbers.
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Choose the best answer. Each game has 10 questions. Green box means correct and the yellow box means incorrect. Earn up to five stars. Unlock the harder levels by getting an average of 80% or higher. SEE MORE
3. Converting Percents and Decimals.
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A lesson on converting decimals and percents. SEE MORE
4. Death to Decimals and the Adventure of Fraction Man.
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This game requires students to role play as Fraction Man - a super hero who must save the world from horrible, parachuting decimal aliens by converting them to harmless fractions. SEE MORE
5. Decimal Quizzes, Questions & Answers.
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Test out your knowledge of decimals with these fun and practical decimal quizzes! SEE MORE
6. Decimals of the Caribbean.
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A decimal game which asks you to match decimals stated in words and numbers. (Related activities can be found below this game.) SEE MORE
7. Eighth Grade Decimals Questions.
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You can create printable tests and worksheets from these Grade 8 Decimals questions! Select one or more questions using the checkboxes above each question.  SEE MORE
8. Fractions, Decimals or Percent.
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For each of the 9 problems, fill in the missing value into the form, then click ENTER. Your answer will be a fraction, a decimal or a percent, depending on the problem. If your answer is a percent, it must include the % symbol. Be sure to write your fractions in lowest terms. To write the fraction five eighths, enter 5/8 into the form. SEE MORE
9. Grade 8 Decimals.
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A forty question multiple choice quiz on decimals. SEE MORE
10. MathPup Hook Square Root Decimals.
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Use the hook and bumpers to swing or bounce MathPup to the Numberball whose number answers the square root decimal problem while avoiding the Numberball that doesn't contain the answer. No time limit in this game but once MathPup gets started he won't stop moving. SEE MORE
11. Ordering Decimals.
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Click the decimal numbers in the order from least to greatest. SEE MORE
12. Power Football (Division of Decimals).
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Dividing with 2 decimals. Solve the math problem correctly to move the ball towards the goalpost. If you answer incorrectly, you lose a turn. The game is over when you go four downs without scoring. (Four levels: easy,medium, hard, and super brain) SEE MORE
13. Spy Guys Interactive - Decimals.
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Watch the video and respond at various places Lesson 1. This video includes sections which ask students to inpur responses  SEE MORE
14. Spy Guys Interactive - Solving Problems with Decimals.
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Watch the video and respond at various places Lesson 5. This video includes sections which ask students to input responses.  SEE MORE
15. Study Jams! Decimals & Percents.
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You can find Jams on decimals and percents. Listen to songs and test yourself on concepts. SEE MORE
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