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General Astronomy


General Astronomy

Links verified 4/26/2021

  1. Amazing Space is a set of web-based activities primarily designed for classroom use, but made available for all to enjoy. Shockwave is required
  2. The Animated Virtual Planetarium - simulations designed to be used in the classroom, or in the lab by students, as demonstrations of various aspects of planetary motions  This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data
  3. Astronomy Magazine - Bookmark the online version of this popular astronomy publication and come back to it regularly.
  4. Astronomy Net - Astronomy articles, forums, listings, and other resources about Astronomy
  5. The Astronomy Picture of the Day - great photos and an explanation each day. Their search feature returns thumbnail images of matches and their archive extends back to June 16, 1995.
  6. Atlas of the Universe - nine main maps, each one approximately ten times the scale of the previous one
  7. Bad Astronomy - the main Bad Pages; Bad Movies, Bad TV, Bad News, and Popular misconceptions
  8. A Beginner’s Guide to Night Landscape and Astrophotography - how to photograph the stars, moon, and milky way [5 chapters, 6672 words]
  9. Canadian Astronomy Data Center - [select English or French] links to a large number of image archives
  10. Classroom-Ready Astronomy Lesson Plans - scroll one-third of the way down the page to Sky Paths A lesson plan can be found at this site
  11. Constellation Quiz - see how well you know the night sky This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
  12. Earth & Sky - a clear voice for science
  13. History of Astronomy - hosted by the University of Bonn
  14. Hubble Heritage - some of the best Hubble images, plus links to other Hubble images.
  15. Life Beyond Earth: Are We Alone - excerpts from the PBS show
  16. Mount Wilson Observatory - a virtual tour designed to give a visitor a feel for the observatory grounds and to present some of the history and heritage of Mount Wilson Observatory
  17. Mysteries of Deep Space - from PBS Online This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data
  18. NASA - home page
  19. NOVA - an archive of past NOVA shows on the subject of space
  20. Photo Gallery of the National Space Science Data Center
  21. Plans for Building a Dobsonian Telescope - a 52 page document from San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers association  An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format
  22. Sky & Telescope magazine - near the bottom of the page is a list of twelve interactive observing tools [free registration is required to use the tools]
  23. Sky Marvels - key to the sky and the universe
  24. Space Exploration History - There are things that are known and things that are unknown; in between is exploration. -Anonymous
  25. StarChild - A Learning Center for Young Astronomers from NASA
  26. Stargazing Guide - a handbook for night sky tour guides - four tours available; summer, autumn, winter and spring
  27. Star Journey - based on National Geographic's popular map, "The Heavens"  This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data
  28. Telescope Reviews - reviews of over 100 telescopes, eyepiece reviews, a beginner's advice column, feature articles, and lots more
  29. Understanding the Universe - an exploration with the American Museum of Natural History at DiscoverySchool.com
  30. Windows to the Universe - the site is written in three reading levels approximating elementary, middle school and high school reading levels - levels may be chosen by using the upper button bar of each page of the main site
  31. Your Sky - the interactive planetarium of the Web - maps for any time and date, viewpoint, and observing location This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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