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About Internet 4 Classrooms

Who is Internet 4 Classrooms?

In February, 1997, Susan Brooks and Bill Byles began a collaborative effort to extend assistance to fellow teachers. In November of 2000 that project expanded to a web presence known as Internet 4 Classrooms ("i4c"), a free web portal designed to assist anyone who wants to find high-quality, free Internet resources to use in classroom instruction, developing project ideas, reinforcing specific subject matter areas both in the class and at home and even for online technology tutorials. The portal is used by teachers, parents and students of all ages on six of the seven continents (there are not many classrooms in Antarctica) and is available to anyone with an Internet connection. We do not charge a subscription fee. To find out more about Susan and Bill, please go to our short bios.

Can you answer questions or find a specific resource?

Yes. Any topic that we cover on the site is fair game, from educational subject matter, computer assistance, etc. Feel free to reach us through our email addresses on the bottom of this page, by posting to our blog, or using Twitter. We answer requests for help, concerns, or anything you want to write about. We are using social networking also so that we can share our answers with other users who may have similar questions. This is the part we love best about i4c, connecting with our users and offering our assistance. We get many requests a day, and respond personally to each.

Why did you post this site on the web?

Together, Susan and Bill have over six decades of teaching experience; all the way from Kindergarten to University. They are giving back to a profession that has been good to them.

Why are your links purple rather than blue?

Our signature color (purple) happens to be the favorite color of Susan. If you ever come to i4c and discover that we have a brand new look and the links are blue, please check the spelling of our name in the web address that you typed. A company has bought numerous misspellings of our name hoping that people would make keystroke errors in their attempt to reach Internet4Classrooms. Their signature color is not purple.

Why are some links green?

Most of our links send you to a web page. However, our green links are links to documents to open or download. Sample documents include .doc (MS Word),.xls (MS Excel),.ppt (MS PowerPoint),.pdf (Adobe Acrobat).

What do the icons stand for?

We strive to help teachers quickly find what they are looking for. Icons used on our site are to identify what type of information or file will be found at a linked location.

Icons used on our site include:

A resource for the teacher to use in planning their lessons designed for the teacher A Microsoft Word document to be downloaded MS Word document A lesson plan can be found at this site a lesson plan
A video is available through this link video format A PowerPoint show related to this standard MS PowerPoint document This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding a quiz
This link includes something for the teacher to print something to print This is an Excel workbook to download MS Excel document This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data an interactive lesson
This resource includes voice instructions for students sound included An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format Adobe Acrobat document up to a higher grade
This link has been added recently added recently
Internet4Classrooms step-by-step module
something on another i4c page down to a lower grade

Will you participate in a link exchange program?

No. If you discover Internet4Classrooms, and decide that the people who normally come to your website would benefit from a link to us that you provide for them, feel free to link to us. We search the Internet looking for high-quality, free resources which can be used in classroom instruction. When we find those resources, we link to them. We will never link to another site simply because they have a link to us. Feel free to suggest your site for inclusion on one of our pages if you have high-quality, free resources which can be used in classroom instruction, as a topical resource or as an exercise for building a student's skill on a specific concept.

Do you accept advertising?

Yes. Feel free to write us and we will forward your request to our marketing manager. We will be posting an online media kit in the future.

Why can't I copy your (i4c's) content and post it on my server?

Well, for one thing, Susan and Bill own the copyright of all material posted on internet4classrooms.com. Copying this content and posting it on your server is copyright infringement. Another major consideration is the validity of the information copied and posted on another's server. We continuously check links and edit the pages containing the links; taking out old dead links and adding new resources. The Internet is a highly mobile community. Links written over a year ago may not be valid today. People who plagiarize our work tend to forget that the links change so rapidly. Posting our content on your server will cheat your teachers and other users from the updates which we constantly make to our pages.



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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