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Vocabulary Worksheets for Test Prep


Vocabulary Worksheets

Links verified on 11/03/2020

1. 5 Vocabulary Lesson Plans for Language Development.

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5 vocabulary lesson plans includes vocabulary boosting worksheets that can help you bump up your students collection of words. Most are minimal to get started and easy to print.  SEE MORE
2. Agenda Web: Vocabulary Worksheets.

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Vocabulary worksheets: printable exercises pdf, handouts, free resources to print and use in your classroom. (Includes dialogues -small talks) SEE MORE
3. English Worksheets Land: Vocabulary Worksheets.

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These worksheets from English Worksheets Land will help students expand their internal vocabulary. (Common Core aligned Language Arts Worksheets) SEE MORE
4. Free Vocabulary Worksheets.

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Busyteacher.org offers 14,321 printable vocabulary worksheets in several different categories, all of which are great for you to use with your students.  SEE MORE
5. K12 Reader Vocabulary Woksheets.

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Find worksheet activities around the alphabet, dictionary skills, Fry sight words, Dolch sight words, phonetics, homographs, homophones, prefixes, proverbs and adages, root words, shades of meaning, suffixes, synonyms and antonyms! All of our printable worksheets are designed around common core standards and cover a broad range of skill levels from kindergarten through high school. SEE MORE
6. Printable ESL Vocabulary Worksheets.

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This page contains printable vocabulary worksheets and exercises for use in the classroom by teachers. Follow links under different themes or topics and that will lead you to a complete collection of the best resources under that topic. SEE MORE
7. Printable SAT Vocabulary Worksheets.

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Scroll halfway down the page for printable vocabulary help from Instructorweb. SEE MORE
8. Printable Vocabulary Worksheets.

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Help student vocabularies grow with this section’s cache of worksheets. Through synonyms and antonyms, context clues and structural elements like prefixes and suffixes, students add more vocabulary to their growing banks.(Most are accessible to Pro subscribers only. But there are still many that are available for free.) SEE MORE
9. Synonyms Worksheets.

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Free worksheets from TeAchnology that give you a real work out on synonyms. SEE MORE
10. VocabTest.com.

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Vocabulary tests for upper grade levels. Includes materials based on words found in Vocabulary Power Plus for the New SAT. Also includes games and something for the teacher to print. SEE MORE
11. Vocabulary Printable Worksheets.

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Through crossword puzzles, word searches, fill in the blanks, word addition, and homophones, your kids will build knowledge of new words and their meanings. Once your kids have learned some new vocabulary words, they will be ready to try our comprehension worksheets. SEE MORE
12. Vocabulary Strategies Templates.

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Graphic organizers for learning vocabulary. SEE MORE
13. Vocabulary Word Map.

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Print this worksheet for students to use in vocabulary building activities [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.] An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format. SEE MORE
14. Vocabulary Worksheets (K-5).

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Use these free, printable vocabulary worksheets to practice and improve vocabulary, word recognition and word usage. The goal of these exercises is to help elementary school students develop their knowledge of words. SEE MORE
15. Vocabulary Worksheets.

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TeAchnology gives a list of links about grade specific vocabulary worksheets.  SEE MORE
16. Vocabulary.

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Easy Teacher Worksheets: English Language Arts vocabulary worksheets. (Answer keys available) SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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